Scripture Reading - Proverbs 23:7a

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: … KJV

Man is a three part being – spirit, soul and body. Your spirit has a voice which communicates in the spiritual realm. Sometimes you can hear this spiritual communication in your mind which is known as “thought”. The soul of man was spiritually created to hear from God’s spirit and your own spirit. Once the information was received your soul could ponder the message and develop it until further understanding was produced. This increased understanding would position you to share the good information when ready in order to help others and yourself. This language of “thought” allows mankind to communicate with God in quietness and confidence whenever it is convenient for God and/or man. This transition place of your soul allows spiritual things to come into the natural realm and vice-versa natural things to bless you (communicate to you) spiritually. Your body uses the audible voice of words to specifically express itself to the hearing of others by a common language. Yes, all people, all animals and even all plants have a spiritual substance sustaining them upon the earth according to Hebrews 1:3. They all live life according to the “thoughts” of their heart (their core, their inward being). The main verse tells us the “potential” of “thought” with the words, “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” This is true for both men and women, animals and insects, both nature and plants are all included. Remember in Mark 11:13,14 Jesus answered the fig tree that spoke to Him in thought by cursing it so no fruit could grow on it. The end result of the cursing of the fig tree by Jesus was death to a living spiritual and natural thing in verses 20 and 21. This is the reason Jesus spoke to the sea and rebuked the wind and they both obeyed Him in Mark 4:38,39. I know this sounds fascinating but the heart (core, essence, truth) of the manner is that “thoughts” have power because they are spiritual containers. Every spirit has an inward voice and that voice is transferred (communicated) by “thought”. This truth is liberating because knowing this wisdom enlightens the mind where “thoughts” are nourished and developed. Please understand dear saint that all voices unheard by the natural ears may be classified as “thoughts”. Hence all people on the face of the earth can relate to “thoughts” but only a minority of people upon the earth realize their full “potential”. This article was only to clarify the “potential” of “thought” by design of the Heavenly Father using the Word of God through the Precious Holy Spirit. The sequence from purpose (The Father), to process (The spoken Word) to production (The Holy Spirit) is shown in the trinity of God. Amen!